
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

el murmullo de las abejas | by sofia segovia

40933983. sy475 a really lovely study in the ephemera that are memories. segovia had an incredible knack for not only weaving together a non-linear tapestry of several generations of a mexican family but of doing it in a way that people actually experience. not just non-linearly, but in a constant stream of things that happened decades ago, seconds ago, the memories of our parents, grandparents, memories to come, memories of what happened last week, and so on.

also, while i started the english version of this, i decided to switch over to the original spanish after confirming a hunch that i was missing out on some really great cultural idiosyncrasies that were not making it into the translation. if you are a spanish speaker, i highly encourage you to read the original text to get the full experience.

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